Monday 25 May 2020

New team

This academic year, the team working with the URLS has been changed. The BTH has in fact handled over to the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Library, SLU-Lib, and we are so happy to have you on the team.

In November 2019 SLU-Lib, supported by the Swedish School of Library and Information Science and the UR-library team, performed a capacity needs assessment workshop at the URLS together with a big team of library staff, representing different corners of the country. It had been preceeded by a survey to library staff and followed up by a survey to users and was combined with visits, observations and UX methods with users.

This process has now resulted in a suggested training plan, that the team wants to share with the URLS. We are looking at ways to do that, at the same time as we need to plan for the upcoming academic year together with the UR teamleaders and the coordination office.

Upcoming Viva doctoral thesis defence

As those of you who follow us may know, there are at the moment two University of Rwanda Library Services librarians doing research as doctoral students at the University of Borås. Now, Berthilde Uwamwezi is ready to defend her doctoral thesis in library and information science "Merger and management: University of Rwanda libraries in a transitional context". The viva will take place on the 12th of June and the dissertation was just made public through the institutional repository DIVA of the Library of the University of Borås

As a team, we wish to congratulate Berthilde on this achievement and we are so much looking forward to the defence.